Michael McKinney
Michael McKinney
McKinney has been at UT for over 30 years, having received his Ph.D. from Yale University in 1985. He is currently the Director of the Environmental Studies Program. He has many research interests, generally focused on biological issues. He started out in paleobiology, in which he still has an active interest. In this area, he has published several papers on extinction and evolution. However, in recent years he has published increasing numbers of articles on topics relating to modern biodiversity problems and solutions, such as the effects of urbanization on biodiversity, and especially how human activities are homogenizing the biosphere. His field work is focused on land snails and mussels with a special interest in their conservation. McKinney has served on the editorial boards of Evolutionary Ecology Research, Urban Naturalist, Frontiers in Ecology and Society, and Animal Conservation.
- Guo, Q, Cen, X., Song, R. McKinney, M.L. and Wang, D. 2020. Worldwide effects of non-native species on species-area relationships. Conservation Biology. In press.
- Li, D., Olden, J.D., Lockwood, J.L., Record, S., McKinney, M.L. and Baiser, B. 2020. Changes in taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity in the Anthropocene. Proceedings Royal Society Biological Sciences 287: Article number 20200777.
- McKinney, M.L. and VerBerkmoes, A. 2020. Beneficial health outcomes of natural green infrastructure in cities. Current Landscape Ecology Reports 5: 35-44.
- Gladstone, N., Bordeau, T., Leppanen, C., and McKinney, M.L. 2020. Spatiotemporal patterns of non-native gastropods in the contiguous United States. Neobiota 57: 133-152.
- McKinney, M.L., Gladstone, N., Lentz, J. and Jackson, F. 2019, Land snail dispersal, abundance and diversity on green roofs. PLOS ONE 14: 2-11.
- Gladstone, N. S., Niemiller, M.L., Pieper, E. B., Dooley, K., and McKinney, M.L. 2019. Morphometrics and phylogeography of the cave-obligate land snail Helicodiscus barri. Subterranean Biology 30: 1-32.
- Mincy, G.A. and McKinney, M.L. 2019. The Asian clam Corbicula fluminea as a pollution sentinel species. Journal of Shellfish Research 38: 183-190.
- Gladstone, N. S., Carter, E. T., McKinney, M.L. and Niemiller, M.L. 2018. Status and distribution of the cave-obligate land snails in the Appalachians and Interior Low Plateau of the Eastern United States. American Malacological Bulletin 36: 22-34.
- McKinney, M.L. and Sisco, N. D. 2018. Systematic variation in roof spontaneous vegetation: residential "low rise" versus commercial "high rise" buildings. Urban Naturalist. Special Issue no. 1: 73-88.
- Hodges, M. N., & McKinney, M. L. (2018). Urbanization impacts on land snail community composition. URBAN ECOSYSTEMS, 21(4), 721-735. doi:10.1007/s11252-018-0746-x
- McKinney, M. L., Kowarik, I., & Kendal, D. (2018). The contribution of wild urban ecosystems to liveable cities.URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING, 29, 334-335. doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2017.09.004
- Zefferman, E. P., McKinney, M. L., Cianciolo, T., & Fritz, B. I. (2018). Knoxville's urban wilderness: Moving toward sustainable multifunctional management. URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING, 29, 357-366. doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2017.09.002
- Gladstone, N. S., Carter, E. T., McKinney, M. L., & Niemiller, M. L. (2018). Status and Distribution of the Cave-Obligate Land Snails in the Appalachians and Interior Low Plateau of the Eastern United States. AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL BULLETIN, 36(1), 62-78. Retrieved from http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/
- Irwin, Kristin L., McKinney, M.L. and Womble, S.G. 2016. First reported occurrence of the invasive land snail Euglandia rosea in Tennessee: implications for global warming. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science. In press.
- McKinney, M.L. 2016. Hierarchy theory in the Anthropocene: Biocultural homogenization, urban ecosystems, and other emerging dynamics. In: Evolutionary Theory: A Hierarchical Approach, University of Chicago Press. N. Eldredge et al., eds. In press
- LeDoux, St. Thomas, Szynkiewicz, Anna; Faiia, Anthony; Mayes, Melanie; McKinney, Michael L. and Dean, William. 2016. Chemical and isotope compositions of shallow groundwater in areas impacted by hydraulic fracturing and surface mining in the Central Appalachian Basin, Eastern United States. Applied Geochemistry. In press
- McKinney, M.L. 2014. Impacts of global warming, habitat loss and homogenization on global biodiversity. Evolutionary Ecology Research 16: 285-189.
- McKinney, M.L., Oyen, C.W., Carter, B.D., and Fuellhart, K.G. 2014. Geographic shape variation in an Oligocene cassiduloid echinoid (Rhycholampas gouldii) of the Southeastern U.S. Southeastern Geology 50: 215-219.
- Shroat-Lewis, Rene A.; Sumrall, Colin D.; McKinney, Michael.L. and others. 2014. A paleoecologic comparison of two edrioasteroid (Echinodermata) encrusted pavements from the Upper Ordovician Corryville Formation of Florence, Kentucky and the Miamitown Shale of Sharonville, Ohio, USA. Palaios 29: 154-169.
- Baiser, Benjamin, Olden, Julian D.; Record, Sydne, and McKinney, M.L. 2012. Pattern and process of biotic homogenization in the New Pangaea. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences 279: 4772-4777.
- Shroat-Lewis, R., McKinney, M.L. Brett, C.E., Meyer, D., and Sumrall, C. 2011. Paleoecologic assessment of an edrioasteroid-encrusted hardground from the Upper Ordovician Bellevue Member, Maysville, Kentucky. Palaios 26: 470-483.
- McKinney, M.L., and Sumrall, C.D. 2011. Ambulacral growth allometry in edrioasteroids: functional surface-volume change in ontogeny and phylogeny. Lethaia. 44: 102-108
- Pautasso, M., Boehning-Gaese K., Clergeau, P., Cueto, V., Dinetti, M., Jokimaki, J., McKinney, M.L. and 12 others. 2011. Global macroecology of bird assemblages in urbanized and semi-natural ecosystems Global Ecology and Biogeography 20: 426-436.
- McKinney, M.L. 2010. Urban futures. In: Urban Ecology, Kevin J. Gaston, ed. Pp. 287-308. Cambridge University Press.
- McKinney, M.L. 2010. Shedding some light on people and biodiversity. Animal Conservation 13: 444-445.
- Sumrall, C.D., Brett, C.E., McKinney, M.L. 2009. A new agelacrinitid edrioasteroid attached to a large hardground clast from the Mckenzie member of the Mifflintown member (Silurian) of Pennsylvania. Journal of Paleontology 83: 794-803
- Dexter, T., Sumrall, C.D. & McKinney, M.L. 2009. Allometric strategies for increasing respiratory surface area in the Mississippian blastoid Pentremites. Lethaia 32: 127-137
- McKinney, ML. 2008. Effects of urbanization on species richness: A review of plants and animals. Urban Ecosystems 11: 161-176.
- Qian H, McKinney ML, Kuhn I. 2008. Effects of introduced species on floristic similarity: Comparing two US states. Basic and Applied Ecology 9: 617-625
- La Sorte FA, McKinney ML, Pysek P, et al. 2008. Distance decay of similarity among European urban floras: the impact of anthropogenic activities on beta diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography 17: 363-371
- La Sorte FA, McKinney ML. 2007. Compositional changes over space and time along an occurrence-abundance continuum: anthropogenic homogenization of the North American avifauna. Journal of Biogeography 34: 2159-2167
- Pautasso, M, McKinney, ML. 2007. The botanist effect revisited: Plant species richness, county area, and human population size in the United States. Conservation Biology 21: 1333-1340
- La Sorte FA, McKinney ML, Pysek P. 2007. Compositional similarity among urban floras within and across continents: biogeographical consequences of human-mediated biotic interchange. Global Change Biology 13: 913-921
- McKinney ML, La Sorte FA 2007. Invasiveness and homogenization: synergism of wide dispersal and high local abundance. Global Ecology and Biogeography 16: 394-400.
Phone: 865-974-6359
Email: mmckinne@utk.edu
Professional Website: faculty.utk.edu/Michael.McKinney
Research Interests
Urban ecology: maximizing biodiversity and ecosystem services on green roofs and green infrastructure, urban invasive species, microplastic pollution. Freshwater mussels and snails: relocation success metrics.