Environmental Science
Our environmental science research focuses on critical biological, geological, and chemical systems and processes. We integrate field research with laboratory analyses and modeling to investigate the intricate relationships between humans, the environment, and the myriad forms of life they support.
Meilian (Maggie) Chen
Lecturer and Laboratory Coordinator
Research Discipline: Climate Change, Environmental Science, Geochemistry
Research Interests: My research interests in environmental biogeochemistry focus on dynamics of dissolved organic matter in inland waters, coastal ecosystems, polar oceans, and sediments.
Annette Summers Engel
Donald H. and Florence Jones Professor of Aqueous Geochemistry
865-974-0402, aengel1@utk.edu
Research Discipline: Climate Change, Earth System Science, Environmental Science, Geochemistry, Geomicrobiology
Research Interests: Understand and improve water and environmental quality by exploring how biological activities interact with and impact geological and geochemical processes through time using advanced geochemistry and geomicrobiology methods.
Dan Hembree
he, him, his
865-974-3788, dhembre2@utk.edu
Research Discipline: Climate Change, Paleontology, Paleobiology, Sedimentary Geology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
Research Interests: Use of ichnology and paleopedology to study the evolution of ancient to modern soils, soil ecosystems, and landscapes as well as evaluating the effect of long-term climate change on terrestrial ecosystems through Earth history.
Michael McKinney
865-974-6359, mmckinne@utk.edu
Research Discipline: Earth System Science, Environmental Science
Research Interests: Urban ecology: maximizing biodiversity and ecosystem services on green roofs and green infrastructure, urban invasive species, microplastic pollution. Freshwater mussels and snails: relocation success metrics.
Anner Paldor
Assistant Professor
Research Discipline: Earth System Science, Environmental Science, Hydrogeology
Research Interests: I study the dynamics and the environmental implications of groundwater interactions with other components of the hydrologic cycle. I am interested in how these interactions change with time and space – from headwaters to coasts and the oceans.
Amelia (Amy) Robinson
865-974-8340, arobins5@utk.edu
Research Interests: Geochemistry and Hydrogeology
Anna Szynkiewicz
Associate Professor
865-974-6006, aszynkie@utk.edu
Research Discipline: Environmental Science, Geochemistry, Hydrogeology, Planetary Geoscience
Research Interests: I am a geologist and stable isotope geochemist using chemical and light isotope tracers to study surface processes related to water activity on Earth and Mars. I also investigate the origin of sulfur-bearing minerals on Mars.